Society of St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store Mission Statement
St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Stores throughout the United States are mutually formed in an association of lay employees and volunteers dedicated to serving our needy sisters and brothers. All who come to our Stores are welcomed with dignity and respect. Our hope is they leave as friends and return to shop with us again. Those who cannot afford the clothing, furniture and other household items are provided them through a Vincentian referral system.
Customers, employees and volunteers are treated equally without regard to race, color, creed, age, gender or national origin. All, including the disadvantaged, handicapped and persons with special needs, are employed so that we may all benefit from the talents and abilities of everyone seeking employment.
Serving Christ’s needy is the primary goal of all St. Vincent DePaul Stores. In this ministry, we pledge to use sound business practices. Surplus funds will be dedicated to the support of the Parish Conferences and charitable causes of the Society approved by our Councils and Boards of Directors.
“You are the servant of the poor….They are your Masters, and the more difficult they will be, the more unjust and insulting, the more love you must give them. It is your love alone that the poor will forgive you the bread you will give them.”
St. Vincent de Paul, 1581-1660
Thrift Store Committee
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Thrift Store Committee is dedicated to helping our Thrift Store personnel, both paid and unpaid, to develop and maintain successful thrift stores to support the Society’s mission most effectively. National Council staff member Jeffrey Beamguard supports the store committee.

Jeffrey Beamguard
Store Support DirectorNational Council
James Conley
Store Support ManagerNational Council
Ed Markiewicz
MidAtlantic RegionDistrict Council of Greensburg

Bryan Engel
MidAtlantic RegionDiocesan Council of Pittsburgh

John Thelen
Mideast RegionDiocesan Council of Lansing

John Walters
Midwest RegionArchdiocesan Council of Saint Louis

Brooke Trick
North Central RegionSr. Director of Retail Operations District Council of Madison

Paul Ihlenfeldt
North Central RegionDirector of Operations Diocese of Green Bay

Lori Malcom
Northeast RegionArchdiocesan Council of Boston

Rick Bologna
South Central RegionStores Director Diocesan Council of Austin

Mike McClanahan
Mountain RegionDiocesan Council of Phoenix

Viktoriya Kotyash
West RegionDiocese of Sacramento